This Passed For a Lawsuit?

In Blog, Uncategorized by tfmedia

Hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen. Keep your medical care providers on hold. The following entries are all true verified stories that can cause and may not be …

Wrongful Death Explained

In Blog, Uncategorized by tfmedia

When someone dies due to the fault of another person or entity (a car manufacturer for instance), the survivors may be able to bring a wrongful death lawsuit. Such a …

Implications of A Dog Bite

In Blog, Uncategorized by tfmedia

A dog bite, the name sounds so simple that it could probably be overlooked as the very serious issue that it presents. Of course, this also can and may be …

Taking DUI to A Whole New Level

In Blog, Uncategorized by tfmedia

This is certainly one of those cases that makes you raise an eyebrow. A Canadian man has been arrested for drunk driving so many times the courts didn’t just suspend …