Hold on to your hats ladies and gentlemen. Keep your medical care providers on hold. The following entries are all true verified stories that can cause and may not be …
Wrongful Death Explained
When someone dies due to the fault of another person or entity (a car manufacturer for instance), the survivors may be able to bring a wrongful death lawsuit. Such a …
Slips & Falls – Who’s Fault Is It?
Who is responsible for an injury resulting from a slip and fall accident? Many thousands of people are injured each year — some very seriously — when they slip or …
Implications of A Dog Bite
A dog bite, the name sounds so simple that it could probably be overlooked as the very serious issue that it presents. Of course, this also can and may be …
Taking DUI to A Whole New Level
This is certainly one of those cases that makes you raise an eyebrow. A Canadian man has been arrested for drunk driving so many times the courts didn’t just suspend …